About us

The Social Ecological Institute (SIE) was founded in 1990 by a group of people who were aware of the growing threats to the environment and appreciated the importance of local initiatives in the eco-development process.

SIE is a non-profit association, a public benefit organisation.
The organisation’s statutory objectives include activities for ecology and building public support for sustainable development and the protection of biodiversity, especially in rural areas, the protection of animals and natural heritage; activities for the building of civil society, conducting and supporting various forms of environmental education; the dissemination and protection of consumer rights and interests; the development of contacts and cooperation between societies and nations.

The Social Ecological Institute cooperates with Polish and foreign non-governmental organisations, universities, institutes and scientific centres, especially in the field of protection of biodiversity in agriculture and the dangers arising from the use of GMOs and pesticides.

SIE is a member of the Union of Associations Polish Green Network, Coalition for the Development of Organic Agriculture, Climate Coalition, PAN-Europe, WECF (Women in Europe for a Common Future), The International Ecotourism Society.